Presented here are vetted resources to support each and every LEA in their own efforts to innovate, include, and impact.
12 Keys to High-Quality Early Childhood for all Learners (2018)
This recorded webinar introduces the 12 practices with the strongest research base for centering and supporting young children with disabilities in high-quality programs.
Developing Learning and Participation in Schools, 3rd Edition (2011)
This resource is designed to support the self-review of all aspects of a school and encourages all staff, parents/caretakers, and children to contribute to a development plan that prioritizes students with disabilities and puts it into practice.
This resource is designed to help readers deepen their understanding of the most effective practices for teaching students with learning and attention issues.
California Preschool/Transitional Kindergarten Learning Foundations (CA PTKLF)
This resource can help provide an understanding of the wide range of knowledge and skills that preschool children typically attain when given the benefits of a high-quality preschool program.
This resource provides guidance about ways to improve and promote the development of children, birth through age 5, who have or are at-risk for developmental delays or disabilities.
Cochran's UDL Toolkit was created to support UDL in professional learning. Locate the "UDL for Preschool" section that focuses on UDL and Early Education.