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Thriving Together! - From Silos to Synergy in Collaborative Partnerships



Session One
(January 22, 2025)


Master Scheduling to Elevate Educator Collaboration 
(Session Two - January 29, 2025)

Master Scheduling Overview
(Video 01)

Preschool Breakout
(Video 02)

Elementary Master Schedule Breakout
(Video 03)


Middle School Master Schedule Breakout
(Video 04)

High School Master Schedule Breakout
(Video 05)


Educator Partnerships and Collaboration Strategies
(Session Three - February 05, 2025)

Educator Partnerships and Collaboration
(Video 01)

Preschool Breakout
(Video 02)

Elementary Breakout
(Video 03)


Middle School Breakout
(Video 04)

High School Breakout
(Video 05)


Building Bridges: Collaborative Practices That Support All Students

(Session Four - February 12, 2025)



Collaborative Practices That Support All Students


Accelerating Student Learning: Navigating Toward True Co-Teaching Practices

Accelerating Student Learning: Navigating Toward True Co-Teaching Practices
(Session One)

Accelerating Student Learning: Navigating Toward True Co-Teaching Practices
(Session Two)

Accelerating Student Learning: Navigating Toward True Co-Teaching Practices
(Session Three)

SIP - Practices in Action: Co-Teaching

SIP - Practices in Action:
Launching Co-Teaching District-wide

SIP - Practices in Action:

SIP - Practices in Action:
Fostering Partnerships

SIP - Practices in Action:
Pairing Co-Teachers

SIP - Practices in Action:
Master Scheduling

SIP - Practices in Action:
Progression of Co-Teaching

SIP - Practices in Action:
Coaching Co-Teachers

SIP - Practices in Action:
Advice for School Leaders

SIP - Practices in Action:
Pairing Co-Teachers

SIP - Practices in Action:
Master Scheduling

SIP - Practices in Action:
Progression of Co-Teaching

SIP - Practices in Action:
Coaching Co-Teachers


SIP - Practices in Action:
Advice for School Leaders


Co-Teaching in a New Era: Strategies for In-person and Virtual Instruction
Presented By Supporting Innovative Practices (SIP)

Co-Teaching in a new era Part 1

Creating a Co-Teaching Partnership (Session Three)

Using the Co-Teaching Models (Session Two)

Session One

Session Two

Session Three