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Demonstration Sites

What is SIP 3.0?


SIP 3.0 is the third iteration of Supporting Innovative Practices, which is an ongoing project that provides technical assistance to school districts and sites within the California System of Support.


This iteration focuses on professional development through school team observation of demonstration sites that have been selected because of their emerging or existing innovative practices and outcomes. Demonstration site visits will commence in Fall 2024 and be open to current SIP grantees throughout the 2024-2025 academic year.


The objective of SIP 3.0 is to increase the use of Least Restrictive Environments (LRE) through increasing school personnel’s knowledge and use of innovative practices and shifting mindsets related to innovative practices. All of this ultimately leads to increases in student achievement. 


Why Demonstration Sites?


We have learned that witnessing is an essential step for those aiming to increase their use of LRE. Being able to translate theory into practice, place practices in context, and connect with colleagues who can speak to their lived experiences makes educators more confident in their ability to incorporate innovative practices.


Who are our partners?


SIP 3.0 is made possible through our partnerships with the Thompson Policy Institute on Disability (TPI) at Chapman University, Fenix Research and Evaluation, and our demonstration sites themselves. See the map below to explore our demonstration sites. Hover over the geographic area you’re interested in to select a corresponding demonstration site.

Join Us

Current SIP Grantee?

We would love to set up a demostration site visit for your team in 2025.

To express interest,
fill out this form.

Demostration Sites:

Arcadia USD

CHIME Institute

Fresno USD

Marysville JUSD

Poway USD

Romoland SD



Current Demonstration Sites

Current Demonstration Sites

Fresno County (click here) Los Angeles County (click here) Riverside County (click here) San Diego County (click here) Yuba County (click here)

Arcadia Unified School District



Arcadia Unified School District is located in Los Angeles County. The district is committed to educational excellence and professional development: “Faculty stays ahead of the curve to ensure a rigorous, vertically aligned curriculum that fully prepares students for college and career. Programs and strategies, such as The Leader in Me, Universal Design for Learning (UDL), Restorative Practices, Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) and more are implemented district-wide, as are students, teachers, and staff encouraged to bring forward innovative ideas for instruction by asking, ‘What if?’ and ‘Why not?’”


Arcadia High School

180 Campus Drive,

Arcadia, CA 91007



Artifacts here.

Camino Grove Elementary School

700 Camino Grove Avenue,

Arcadia, CA 91006


CHIME Institute


The CHIME Institute is a nonprofit organization serving as a national leader in the development of inclusive practices in education. The institute offers a preschool inclusion program as well as K-8 education at their independent charter school, the Schwarzenegger Community School in Los Angeles county. “Inclusive education at CHIME Institute means that children who reflect the demographics of the surrounding region—including children who develop typically, children with special needs and children who are gifted—learn side by side”


CHIME Institute’s Schwarzenegger Community School

19722 Collier St, Woodland Hills, CA 91364


CHIME Institute’s Schwarzenegger Community School


Artifacts here.

Fresno Unified School District


Fresno Unified School District is located in Fresno County. The district’s mission,  is to “nurture and cultivate the interests, intellect, and leadership of our students by providing an excellent, equitable education in a culturally proficient environment.”


Holland Elementary School

4676 N Fresno St

Fresno, CA 93726


Webster Child Development

2600 E. Tyler
Fresno, CA 93701


Wilson Elementary School

2131 W Ashlan Ave

Fresno, CA 93705


Marysville Joint Unified School District

Artifacts here.


Marysville Joint Unified School District (MJUSD) is located in Yuba County. Their mantra is “educating today’s youth for tomorrow’s world,” and the district “values inclusive environments, all students’ differences in learning and best practices in instruction. We strive to serve students by maintaining high standards and providing support for equal access to programs”.


Olivehurst Elementary School

1778 McGowan Pkwy, Olivehurst, CA 95961


Linda Elementary

6180 Dunning Avenue, Marysville, CA 9590


Kynoch Elementary School

1905 Ahern Street,

Marysville, CA 95901


Poway Unified School District


Poway USD is located in northern San Diego County. The district is dedicated to empowering world-class learners who thrive in life and career, as well as in higher education, by offering education that is rigorous, rich, and personalized. To that end, Poway has engaged passionately in the development of special education programs guided by inclusive practices. Learn more about the school district on their website.


Twin Peaks Middle School

14640 Tierra Bonita Rd,

Poway, CA 92064



Artifacts here.

Del Norte High School

16601 Nighthawk Ln,

San Diego, CA 92127



Artifacts here.

Romoland School District


Romoland School District is located in Riverside County, 22 miles south of the city of Riverside and just east of Interstate 215. The district serves over 4,500 students annually residing in Perris, Menifee, and Homeland in addition to Romoland, and one of the core district values is to provide students with the necessary knowledge and experience to become capable, responsible citizens in a diverse society. The district aims to “provide safe, engaging, and enriched learning environments that support the culturally diverse, social-emotional, and physical development needs of each and every student”


Mesa View Elementary School

27227 Heritage Lake Drive,

Menifee, CA 92585



Artifacts here.


WISH is a series of public, independent charter schools in Los Angeles County. “The WISH mission is to maximize every scholar’s learning potential within an atmosphere of caring and belonging.” WISH practices Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to reduce physical, cognitive, and organizational learning barriers, increasing accessibility for students. Social justice through inclusivity, social emotional learning, and schoolwide positive behavior support are some of the other practices you may bear witness to upon visiting a WISH demonstration site.


WISH Community School


6550 West 80th St,

Los Angeles, CA 90045


WISH Community

School, 6-8

7400 W Manchester Ave,

Los Angeles, CA 90045


WISH Academy

High School, 9-12

7400 W Manchester Ave,
Los Angeles, CA 90045



Demonstration Sites - Frequently Asked Questions

Demonstration Sites - Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to visit a demonstration site?


Only current SIP grantees are eligible for demonstration site visits in the 2024-2025 academic year. We look forward to opening up further in 2025-2026.


When will demonstration site visits take place?


Each demonstration site will be offering four visits (roughly one per quarter) throughout the 2024-2025 school year. When you fill out your interest form, you will have the opportunity to indicate where and when you would like to visit.


What does the agenda for a demonstration site visit typically look like?


See a sample agenda here.


What will be asked of demonstration site visitors?


We will ask you to fill out pre- and post-visit surveys to give us insight into your hopes, goals, and needs for the demonstration site visits and then your experiences at and takeaways from the visits themselves.


If I have further questions, who do I contact?


Please email Madeline Wall at with your questions and she will either answer directly or point you in the right direction!