Walking on the path to innovation is not an easy one especially for educators in the field. Districts, administrators and teachers who willingly take up the gamut of adopting innovative practices are pioneers who often find themselves isolated in their efforts. Yet, they staunchly persist knowing that what they are doing is ultimately in the best interests of all students. This is why, at SIP, we believe that forming a strong network of support for such pioneers is essential.
Our project strongly endorses positive working relationships between districts and educators who are interested in innovation through participation in a myriad of in-person and virtual events. SIP is extremely thankful to all the people who inspire, support and collaborate with us in our work to improve educational systems!
SIP Grantees 2024-2025
Funders and Partners
We are funded by the California Department of Education, Special Education Division, through Riverside County Office of Education and El Dorado County Office of Education. We also partner with various university and technology partners to provide the best in research and technological support to our grantees.